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G V Strain Records is a music company which is founded by Deep Kaur Vehniwal with the aim of encouraging talent to come and show their skills. It is the company which is a great platform for songwriters, promoting new and budding singers in the industry and also making music videos. Until now there are many religious, romantic and pop music songs have been recorded, produced and directed by this company. Many talented artists have had the opportunity to work with G V Strain Records.

Everyone loves the music, so we always focus on making the music for all age people that makes them move with the beat.

The music industry always is in search of a real and beautiful voice. So, we always keep looking for the artists and the songwriters. We always help the artists the best they can be and earn their living with the music they create.

G V Strain Records always aims to do different and best. We do provide great service, a fair and transparent approach and understand the needs of the artist. We aim to provide all the services which artists and songs writers need to make in their careers such as:

  • Music Publishing
  • Recording music
  • Make music films
  • Live shows
  • And many more services.

We always offer the best creative support and provide the best access to the platform which is required by the artist and songwriters.

We have the best technology to publish the music. We are not only a music publishing company we are also a record label. We never think that artists and songwriters work for us, it is we who work for them.

We always wanted to make G V Strain Records the best company not only in Canada but internationally for songwriters and music artists.

Event Singer
Event Singer
Event Singer
Event Singer
Event Singer